by Jyoti Jain
Want a healthy and delicious dessert that is also good for the heart? There is no better way of showing your love. This homemade dessert is easy to make and loaded with the heart healthy goodness of almonds and chia.

Almonds are rich in antioxidants, and cholesterol-free. According to Ayurveda, they are Ojas building foods that promote health, immunity, happiness, and spiritual strength. Chia seeds besides being rich in fiber also contain omega-3 fatty acids and are known to promote cardiovascular health.
1 ½ cup almond milk
¼ cup chia seeds
3 tbsp raw cacao powder or carob powder
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp maca powder (optional)
Top with-- fresh fruit and whipped cream/coconut cream (optional)
Combine chia seeds, almond milk, cocoa powder, maca powder, and maple syrup in a bowl and stir to blend.
Refrigerate overnight.
The next day add more almond milk and stir till the mixture has a pudding-like consistency.
Spoon into individual bowls
Serve with fruit toppings and whipped cream (coconut cream if you'd like it to be vegan).