Teens Sahaj Samadhi
Personalized Meditation
Sahaj Samadhi meditation is a personalized technique that trains the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. In Sanskrit, Sahaj means effortless. Samadhi is meditation - a natural state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming, that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility. The practice of Sahaj Samadhi Meditation helps access these qualities of increased energy, clarity, joy, and deep inner peace in our daily experience.
Scientifically validated benefits of meditation:
Experience deeper sleep
Helps practitioners with insomnia and helps have deeper, more restful and restorative sleep.
Decrease anxiety and increase happiness
Increases activity in the parts of the brain responsible for happiness & positive emotions.
Improve mental focus
Increases blood flow & brain activity in the region responsible for focus & executive function.
Promote longevity
Helps you live longer & slows the shortening of telomeres on chromosomes. Longer telomeres = slower aging.
Contact Us
Please contact us for more info or help finding a SKY Kids or SKY Teens course - holistic wellness programs for students ages 8-17 to learn the renowned SKY breathing and tools for a healthy body, mind & lifestyle.
2401 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009